Gordon County Robotics Team Member Page

Current Tasks:

Study the Rules!
Before you do much building and prototyping, you really need to understand the game.
- What is the maximum starting size of the robot, and can it expand after the match starts?
- How many motors, batteries, etc. are allowed on the robot?
- Where do the robots start the match?
- How long is the autonomous part of the match?
- Can you start with game elements pre-loaded?
- How many points can you score in different scenarios and combinations.

Engineering Notebook

Right now, you need to be planning your engineering notebook. Please resist making entries until you are confident of its contents and layout.

Here's a link to the Engineering Notebook Judge's Rubric
. It's important to note the order of the rubric. Judges will be reading the rubric and reviewing your notebook. It makes the judge's job easier if the notebook matches the rubric. In other words, a description of the challenge (game) including words and pictures is the first thing on the judge's rubric, so it should be first in the notebook (after table of contents and team info).

Here's a Video Guide created by a VEX team that summarizes the Engineering Notebook process.

We will be using RobotC for programming robots this year. Here's a link to a tutorial.
RobotC is a free download. Register as a user on the VEX Robotics website, then click this link.

Meeting Schedule (Subject to change):


10 - 4:00-5:45 - Career Academy
15 - 4:00-5:45 - Career Academy
17 - 4:00-5:45 - Career Academy
 22 - 4:00-5:45 - Career Academy
 24 - 4:00-5:45 - Career Academy
 29 - 4:00-5:45 - Career Academy
 31 - 4:00-5:45 - Career Academy

05 - 4:00-5:45 - Career Academy
07 - 4:00-5:45 - Career Academy
12 - 4:00-5:45 - Career Academy
14 - 4:00-5:45 - Career Academy
19 - 4:00-5:45 - Career Academy
21 - 4:00-5:45 - Career Academy
26 - 4:00-5:45 - Career Academy
28 - 4:00-5:45 - Career Academy

03 - 4:00-5:45 - Career Academy
17 - 4:00-5:45 - Career Academy
19 - 4:00-5:45 - Career Academy
24 - 4:00-5:45 - Career Academy
26 - 4:00-5:45 - Career Academy

Additional Meetings TBA

VEX IQ - RINGMASTER (Middle School)

VIQC Ringmaster Field


Game Introduction Video
Game Manual

VEX IQ Forum - (have a question? Here's the place to find the answers)


Each Ring Scored in the Floor Goal

1 point

Each Ring Scored on a Post

5 points

Each Ring Scored on a Uniform Post

10 points

Each Emptied Starting Peg

5 points

Releasing the Bonus Tray

20 points


VEX EDR - IN THE ZONE (Middle and High School)

VRC Starstruck Field

Game Introduction Video
Game Manual
Robot Skills Rules

VEX EDR Forum (have a question? Here's the place to find the answers)


Each Cone Stacked on a Goal

2 points

A Mobile Goal Scored in the 5 Point Zone

5 points

A Mobile Goal Scored in the 10 Point Zone

10 points

A Mobile Goal Scored in the 20 Point Zone

20 points

Having the Highest Stack in a Zone

5 points

A Robot that is Parked at the end of the Match

2 points

Alliance with the most points at the end of Autonomous

10 points

Reverse Engineering (Cheat) Videos
Coming Soon
Reverse Engineering (Cheat) Videos
Cascade lift animation
Cascade lift in operation

Another cascade lift animation
Another cascade lift in operation
Scissor Lift
Reverse double four bar lift
Another reverse double four bar lift